Have you heard of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis? Otherwise, known as HTMA


HTMA is an analytical test that evaluates hair tissue for nutrient mineral imbalances and toxic element burdens within the stored tissue. It is a safe and non-invasive test that reports on mineral balances and comparative ratios of nutrients and toxic minerals in the body. This means that it can tell you the root cause of what is driving your health conditions (mineral excess, mineral deficiency or heavy metal accumulation) and gives a more reliable indication of the minerals and metals within the tissue.


HTMA is able to show you


  • Mineral deficiencies/excesses
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Metabolic rate
  • Adrenal & thyroid function
  • Immune dysregulation
  • Factors affecting mental health
  • Nervous system balance
  • Liver and kidney stress
  • Diabetes and insulin resistance
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Energy levels and fatigue


A lot of people take supplements without knowing that those particular nutrients may be counteracting other nutrients within your body, leading to an imbalance. An example is since COVID a lot of people have been taking zinc for a long period of time to support their immune system. This has led to many people having depleted copper and iron stores as these are antagonists of zinc, yet are also very important for the immune system.

HTMA is a simple and non-invasive test. Unlike blood tests, which give a good indication of minerals being transported around the body, HTMA looks at the minerals and metals stored in the tissues. This is beneficial to see the longer-term deficiencies or excesses of minerals, while also showing the bioaccumulation of toxins. Check out this summary for further information about this testing.


Heavy Metal Exposure


Exposure to heavy metals happens every day and it’s not just through the obvious things. These things can also lead to heavy metal burden and subsequent health conditions developing

  • Eating fish, rice, non-spray-free fruits, vegetables and grains (even organic produce can contain high levels),
  • Regular car fume exposure and spending time in air-polluted areas
  • Working in construction and other industries
  • Vaping or passively inhaling
  • Vaccinations
  • Fast fashion clothes – Shein was found to have 20X the safe allowable level of lead in one of their toddler jackets.
  • Homes older than 1990’s are likely to have lead in the paint
  • Bore water
  • Dying your hair
  • Wearing cosmetics
  • Using aerosols and aluminium deodaranrt
  • Perfumes and synthetic fragrances in your house car
  • Non-stick cookware (made worse with scratches on the surface)
  • Regular airplane travel
  • Flame-retardant rugs, furniture and clothing

Even without heavy metal exposure, mineral imbalance has a significant impact on overall health, this includes our thyroid and adrenal function. With the poor dietary habits, food fortification, lack of nutrients in the soil, medications, high stress, genetics and the high dose supplements being taken since COVID.


Symptoms that may warrant HTMA


  • Fatigue, energy, thyroid and adrenal issues
  • Hair loss
  • Weight changes
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes
  • Anaemia
  • Anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns
  • Sleep problems
  • Cognitive issues and brain fog
  • Osteoporosis and aching joints/muscles
  • Hormonal issues and menopausal symptoms
  • Preconception care and fertility issues
  • Developmental delays in babies and toddlers
  • Behavioural issues with children

It is also a great tool for preventative health and to assist in aging well.


If you have been experiencing health concerns, you can’t pinpoint what exactly is the cause and want to feel healthier and more vital then this could be a good test option for you.

Reach out if you’re wanting some extra support with your health issues.


Skye B 🌿