Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substances… It’s a mouthful.  So what are they?


They are man-made chemicals that encompass thousands of different compounds. Their chemical bond is incredibly strong and this is why they have been named “forever chemicals” as they don’t degrade in the environment. These chemicals are used in various industries due to their resistance to heat, water, grease, oil and stains. These “forever chemicals” can contaminate food and water sources (check out Dark Waters on Netflix if you haven’t already) and this causes a big environmental impact as well as significant human health concerns.

They are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC’s) – meaning they mess up your hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, androgens and thyroid hormones. And they are EVERYWHERE! In this recent study, they were found in 97% of umbilical cord blood samples and you can find the article PMID: 37466315


What’s the big deal anyway and why should I care? 


Because more and more people are developing health concerns without getting answers from their GP’s about what is causing their symptoms.

One of the biggest concerns with PFAS and EDCs, are that they mimic our natural hormones, including our sex hormones and thyroid hormones. Halogenated chemicals also displace iodine in the thyroid, I wrote an article about this, Could tap water be messing up your health


Symptoms and conditions that can be caused/exacerbated by PCAS and EDCs include
  • Weight gain and obesity
  • Women and AFAB hormonal issues: irregular menstrual cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, early menopause, breast cancer
  • Increased risk of infertility, decreased sperm count and increased miscarriage risk
  • Thyroid issues (hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, hyperthyroid, Grave’s)
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular issue
  • High cholesterol
  • Gut dysbiosis
  • Liver detox issues, fatty liver
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Impaired immune function
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes
  • Birth defects
  • Increased risk of cancer – breast, kidney, thyroid


So what can I do?


Reducing your exposure is the biggest thing you can do

  • Use a water filter that removes chlorine & and fluoride
  • Buy local and spray-free produce where possible or wash your fruit and vegetables thoroughly
  • Buy PFAS-free personal care products, cosmetics and sunscreen
  • Replace non-stick cookware with cast iron and stainless steel
  • Swap plastic containers for glass containers
  • Use a keep cup and your own containers rather than single-use coffee cups and takeaway containers
  • Swap dental floss to PFA-free floss
  • Read labels and avoid PTFE or “perfluor” in the ingredients
  • Avoid stain-resistant and waterproof clothing and furniture


Secondary to reducing your exposure, having a healthy gut and liver helps to reduce toxin accumulation. Improving your digestion and detoxification and elimination pathways.


It is a big topic and it can be overwhelming when you start digging deeper into how much exposure we have to PFAS and EDCs from our daily habits.

If you would like some extra support with reducing your exposure or to help with your health concerns, I would love to help you, reach out and we can book in a consult time.

Skye B 🌿