Vaginal health

In June I posted on Instagram what you should NOT be putting near your vulva and vagina – check back on that post if you’re a new follower. In the last week I’ve had a number of conversations with people experiencing  Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), this ...

Stress and the Immune System

You’ve probably heard that stress has a significant impact on the immune system. But have you wondered why this is?   Different systems throughout the body interact with each other through complex processes. Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of psychological...

The Importance of Love and Connection

Love and connection. It’s a human need. There’s research showing disconnection, isolation and a lack of love to have significant negative health impacts. These impacts can be equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Despite our need and desire to love and connect,...

What is Iridology?

This iris shows a very obscure collarette, otherwise known as the Autonomic Nerve Wreath (ANW). This sign suggests a disrupted nerve supply to the area, leading to chronic digestive issues including spasm, diarrhoea and nutrient malabsorption. The dark brown overlay...