The Importance of Love and Connection

Love and connection. It’s a human need. There’s research showing disconnection, isolation and a lack of love to have significant negative health impacts. These impacts can be equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Despite our need and desire to love and connect,...

What is Iridology?

This iris shows a very obscure collarette, otherwise known as the Autonomic Nerve Wreath (ANW). This sign suggests a disrupted nerve supply to the area, leading to chronic digestive issues including spasm, diarrhoea and nutrient malabsorption. The dark brown overlay...

Health Concerns of Sunscreen

Important information for my sun loving friends who like to lather up ☀️ Most commercial sunscreens are filled with an array of chemicals which help them to absorb into the skin – thus ending up in the blood stream and can cause their own health issues. Barrier...

What is Naturopathy?

It’s a question I get asked a lot. And after all this time, I still find it hard to explain in a handful of words ?. Naturopathy is a holistic system of healthcare which focuses on identifying and treating the underlying cause of disease and ill health. The body...